Day 4 ♥

Hari ini Ardi jemput Tias untuk dinner di suatu tempat

Tias senang bukan main, bercermin mematut-matut penampilan di depan kaca lemarinya malam itu


. . . I hope you know I hope you know,

That there’s nothing to do with you . . .

Ardiansyah Ramzi Calling

“Aku di Lobby Apartemen kamu Sayang”

“Oh oke Mas, im coming”



“Hai Sayang, Long time no see, then I miss you”, sambil menutup pintu mobil

“Wait wait wait”

“Ya? Wait about what?”

“Please take a look at your dress”

“Looking good and perfect isn’t?, I can read your mind :)”

“No, kamu kaya ibu-ibu deh kalo pake long dress begitu”

“But, we will have dinner at somewhere, right?”

“Sure, but I have not told you before, where we’ll go, right?”

“Oke, im sorry, and then?”

“Go to your room and change your long dress with casual t-shirt like me”



“Tias? Itu elo??? Jangan banting-banting pintu sih, kedengeran sampe kamar gue”

“Berisik lo!”

Nina pun segera menghampiri Tias di kamar apartmen yang masih tercium aroma parfum favorite Tias

“Heyhoo, what happen princess?”

. . . I hope you know I hope you know,

That there’s nothing to do with you . . .

Ardiansyah Ramzi Calling

“Nih telpon nih, tumben ngga excited”

Nina bingung melihat Tias yang imut-imut ini mengobrak-abrik seisi lemari pakaian

“Yasss, kenapa diacak-acak sih?”

“Shut up your mouth please, Ardiansyah Ramzi minta gue ganti baju, dan cuma dikasi waktu sepuluh menit!”

“Oh oke, you both will have dinner right??”

“Oke gue pergi lagi ya Na”

“Oh God, whatever, hemmmh”



“Oh Finally, this is what I love sayang”

:blushing cheek


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